
Monday, June 10, 2013

Fashionista of the Week: Miss Hijabi

Hi Lovelies, I hope you had a great weekend! My guest today is a Hijabi Fashionista from Australia.

Hi Angela, Welcome to Dubai Fashionista :) Tell us a little bit about you?
My name is Angela (or just Ange as I'm known in the blogging world). I'm 28 and live in my homeland of Australia where I work as a teacher. I became the first Australian Hijab blogger in 2008 and currently share my style and love of abayas on

What's your favorite place to shop?
Definitely online. I hate the crowds and impulsiveness of real shopping and find online purchasing so much easier and fuss-free.

Favorite designer?
I'm usually attracted to anything bright, patterned and colorful so designers like Missoni or Dian Pelangi really take my focus.

Handbag designer?
There are too many, but at the moment I am really loving Mulberry's laid back classic style of bags.

Shoe designer?
Anyone that sells size! I'm a US 11 and with most designers only going to 10 I end up looking but not buying.

Your last buy?
The last thing I spent money on, was an ASOS haul. I finally got myself a pair of glittery silver heels, I've been wanting some for ages.

Favorite piece from your closet?
Probably my abaya from Dubai based brand Sweety. That was the first nice abaya I owned so it is kind of sentimental to me. That and the fact that it got me away from buying abayas that looked like they came from some backwater village souk. Before that I was relying on some very plain and ugly abayas available here in Australia at the time were very basic and old fashioned in terms of style. They still are.

Describe your style in 3 words?
Feminine. Accessorised. Ladylike.

What's your current wishlist?
Pretty much everything I see at Candella Boutique via their Instagram. They stock some very unique, fun pieces. There is a studded dark green bag there from Ivy Twist I am currently wanting.

Favorite fashion magazine?
I haven't really bought a magazine in quite some years but I used to love reading InStyle.

Favorite fashion blog?
I would have to say Latifa AlShamsi's blog. As far as I know, I am pretty sure we are the only two consistent abaya wearing bloggers out there, so I am drawn to hers because of the clothing we wear.

A trend you love?
I don't follow trend myself, but I am loving the 1920's style pieces that are popping everywhere because of The Great Gatsby movie. I've always loved historical inspired fashion.

A trend you hate?
Leggings. Leggings need to die.

Fashion faux-pas?
I've always hated it when girls go overboard; wearing head to toe designer names. I get turned off when women stop wearing clothes and instead start looking like a walking advertisement for big name brands. I think a lot of women today tend to buy certain items just because it is trendy, or to fit into a certain social status, or to show off, etc; instead of dressing for themselves and wearing things purely because they actually like them, no matter where the piece came from or how much they cost. What you wear should be more about your own personal style; not a race to keep up with or outdo each other.
Another one is that stupid colored contacts craze. For the most part they look ridiculously unnatural.

Favorite destination/dream destination for shopping?
Definitely Dubai, especially since it is the fashion capital in regards to abayas.

Celebs style inspiration?
Sarah Jessica Parker. She always looks so feminine and modest, particularly on the red carpet.

Must-haves every woman should have in her closet?
Black heels. They go with everything.

Favorite piece of jewelry you like to wear?
Rings in general. I seem to collect them and feel somewhat naked or not completely dressed if I leave the house without at least one on.

Flats or heels?
I'd love to say heels but now that I am a mother of two I seem to live in flats. Heels aren't just practical on a daily basis at this stage in my life.

Thanks to the sweet Ange for answering those questions. Follow her blog for more Hijabi style inspiration, if you're a abaya lover you'll love it!!!

*All pictures belong to Ange*

This is the 5th Fashionista of the Week, and I would love hearing from you... Do you guys enjoy reading those interviews? Is there any questions you'd like our Fashionistas to answer? And if you want to be the Fashionista of the Week and share your style and fashion favorites with our readers, don't hesitate to contact me :)